We have started to go to a small village, Vunavesi, to help the elementary students with their English and writing skills. There are 12-16 of them in grades from 1 to 6. There are also 5 secondary students in grades 10-12.
Impromptu School at Family Home
We have started to teach a part member family. The father is a member but inactive. His wife and kids are not members. The children's ages are 8, 6 and 4. We are not actually called to teach the gospel, but do so to assist the missionaries in preparing them for their lessons and the all important "baptismal challenge." We visit them once a week and have spent one morning a month ago, painting his newly built home. When he gets some more paint we will put the second coat on and be done.
When visiting a family
Let's read together
President Layton, asked all missionaries to start reading the Book of Mormon and focus on "heroes" we find within those pages. We are to see what legacy that they left. Here is his quote; "As you read through The Book of Mormon we want you to find men and women who became heroes and think about their legacy. A hero is a person who, in the face of obstacles, combats adversity through impressive feats of ingenuity, bravery or strength, often sacrificing his or her own personal concerns for some greater good. What legacy did they leave with their own family, those around them and future generations." Young Women in Branch
We have been so blessed being here and we see His hand in the progress of the church in this area. This last transfer cycle (6 weeks) the missionaries had 186 "saints" return to activity or be baptized into the church. "Saints" could be those that return to activity and receive a calling the branch where they live. The goal for the mission during that cycle was 144. It was the largest number since President Layton arrived in July 2014. He and Sister Layton go home in July.
We hope you feel our testimonies through this blog, either in word or pictures. We love you all and pray for each one daily.
Elder and Sister Roberts
Fiji Suva mission
Savusavu Town
Hello Elder and Sister Roberts. Thank you for sharing your blog. I hope you are enjoying your mission. I'm hoping that you can do a small favor for me. I'm a freshman at DCC high school in Colorado Springs, CO. I have an assignment to do a research paper on the Rainbow Reef in Fiji. I need to have two direct sources, meaning two people I've had direct communication with. I still need one more direct source. Could you give me some information on the climate and weather in Fiji? What kind of weather have you experienced since you've been there? What kind of insects do they have there? Any information you can give me will be much appreciated, if you're okay with being a direct source for my report. Thank you for your time.