Thursday, December 8, 2016

Light the World

During this Christmas season, Sister Roberts and I have been trying to use the topics suggested by the Brethern in their "Light the World" project. We have help cleaning and weeding gardens, picking up trash along the roadsides, teaching the young women of the branch how to lead music, helping them bake cookies and many others ways to help others.

We went to a nearby settlement. A settlement is a group of homes that have been erected by family members in the same area. It doesn't qualify as a village because of a small number of people. All of the members in some way related to each other. They get their water from a 10,000 gallon water tank that is up the mountain from their homes. They have a pipe that brings it to the homes.

The tank leaks where the water comes out of the tank into the pipeline. The leak is more water than what comes from the natural well they get the water from. Sister Gadi (pronounced "Gandi") asked if we could help her with the leak. I realized that I would need to see the tank and the leak. She said it was just "through the bush and up the hill a little way," We started out and the first 50 yards was easy walking, but we eventually had to cross a small stream, use a downed tree to cross another small ditch and step over several fallen tree trunks. As we went it got steeper and more muddy. Jackie fell once stepping over a log and I lost a flip flop in the mud. As we neared the tank it was even more muddy due to the leak. The tank was probably 200-250 yards up the hill and through the mud. This is what was meant by "over the river and through the woods".

As I guessed, the leak was at the washer where the 2 1/2" PVC pipe left the tank. We realized that they would need to get a plumber to come and look at it and make the repairs. Right now they are without water for bathing, etc. in the settlement. As we were walking back from the tank and came to the small stream, a 5 year old boy who had been helping us started washing Jackie's feet and legs of the mud she had picked up from the climb. I was so cute and special that he would want to wash her feet. It reminded us of the Light the World theme for December 2nd, "Jesus Honored His Parents." He was showing honor for us as missionaries and as older people. It also made me think of the time when Jesus washed the feet of the disciples at the Last Supper, (John 13:5-8)

We took only one picture on our hike to the water tank and back because we didn't want to take out the phone and have it end up in the mud. As I looked at the picture it reminded me of a song,

"A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief". Verse 3 says,
"I spied him where a fountain burst
Clear from the rock; his strength was gone.
The heedless water mocked his thirst;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
I ran and raised the suff''rer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Dipped and returned it running o'er;
I drank and never thirsted more.

Here is the picture that made me think of this song and what we had just done, to help get water to the settlement. The picture and video is of them eating for their very first chocolate chip cookie. We take so many things for granted.

Chocolate chip cookie tasting crew.

We liked them!!!!

Helping Auntie with her hair. Sister Jesse had a stroke and has difficulty getting around, but she always has a smile on her face.

May God bless us all during this season of the year that we will think more of Christ and try to do the
things he did for others. We are His hands that must do His work on this earth. We may not be able to a lot but what little we do will be appreciated by those we serve and Jesus Christ and the Father will be pleased with our efforts.

We want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. We love you all and hope your desires of your heart be granted according to His will who is the author of all goodness and blessings.

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